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Dosa Travel & Immigration
wants to help you go places

As you plan for your next big adventure overseas, we offer a full
range of travel, international student recruitment and immigration


We’re here to help you with your next big adventure and make your dreams come true.

Mission & Vision

01. Mission

Is to provide life-changing opportunities for Citizens, permanent residents, Immigrants, families, and international students within and across the globe with tourism, educational, and immigration opportunities (as a consultant service provider), in a subsidies and sustainable manner that will aid their dreams.

To ensure maximum customer service satisfaction and promote sustainable development through tourist and educational activities, also to maintain the company’s financial stability over the short and long term, and to appropriately compensate employees for their work and effort, we aim to make a fair and responsible profit.

02. Vision

To Mitigate poverty through tourism and educational consultant services. As education and human capability is the most powerful weapon which will be used to change the world and achieve the United Nations SDGs.

To provide the opportunity and Consultancy services to see them realize their dream and become a glorious symbol for international greatness with family dignity restored.

Welcome to our travel agency, a one-stop-shop for all your travel needs, international student recruitment, and immigration services. 

Dosa Travel and Immigration is a subsidiary of DOSA GLOBAL TRAVEL & TOURS LIMITED.

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Contact Information
103 - 179A Leva Avenue Red Deer County AB T4E 0A5 Canada

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